Call to Action: Your Ideas for Shaping a Culture That Supports Rigorous Research
- Featured in:
- Rigor and Reproducibility
Share your experiences and ideas about scientific cultural factors that can undermine rigorous research practices and identify solutions to these issues that can be employed by all members of the neuroscience community.
The Foundations of Rigorous Neuroscience Research (FRN) program will engage members of the neuroscience community to raise awareness of barriers and solutions related to practicing rigorous research and create new resources that will empower neuroscientists at all career stages to implement these practices in their work.
We invite scientists from all backgrounds and career stages to share your perspectives on barriers that affect your own pursuit of rigorous science, along with your ideas for implementing solutions.
Issues to discuss include:
- Maintaining objectivity in scientific judgements that affect research practices and professional activities.
- Practices for rigorous and transparent data collection and record keeping.
- Cultural factors – such as career advancement incentives and publication pressures – that can undermine rigor our research practices.
Please engage in the discussion and contribute to the development of future resources that are relevant to your research experience by:
- Participating in this online forum, including this ongoing virtual town hall.
- Anonymously submitting your ideas.
Contact SfN staff at for more information.