CVs are not one size fits all — you should frame your experiences to fit each position you apply for. Use these tips for CV tailoring to demonstrate you’re a strong match for a variety of jobs in and out of academia.
Postdoc, Research Associate, or Technical Support
- Emphasize your publication record and technical skillsets, and list any techniques you’ve mastered.
- Highlight how your background and interests fit with those emphasized in the job description.
- Indicate your role in major studies or projects in your list of previous work experience.
- Emphasize relevant classroom experience if the position you are seeking includes a teaching or mentoring component.
- Include your leadership qualities.
- Provide a special skills section.
- Emphasize teaching experience and list the classes you have taught.
- Convey your passion for teaching.
- Mention students you have mentored.
- Designate student co-authorships on your publication list.
- Emphasize publications and grants you’ve received.
- Include your program of research.
- Underscore grant writing abilities and efforts.
- Highlight any special skillsets or techniques the employer is seeking.
- Stress your desire to collaborate.
Academic Administration
- Emphasize administrative experience and academic accomplishments.
- List leadership skills and accomplishments.
- Highlight service in an academic setting.
- Communicate your interests, abilities, and any fundraising experience.
Administration in Nonprofit Institutes
- Emphasize administrative, leadership, and fundraising skills and experience.
- List a record of your accomplishments in leadership positions.
- Highlight how your interests and past experiences match the mission of the institute.
Adapted from the SfN webinar, Transforming Your Resume or CV: Insider Tips for Any Position.
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