Tricks of the Trade How to Peer Review a Manuscript
- Featured in:
- Publishing and Peer Review

Are you curious about how to review a manuscript? Are you a first-time reviewer and seeking guidance? Have you been reviewing papers for a while but want to improve your skills?
Join this webcast with eNeuro Advisory Board member Margaret McCarthy to participate in an actual review of a real manuscript and compare yourself to the experts. The presenter will provide a step-by-step analysis of the review process and provide answers to your questions and concerns.
Before the webcast, download a real paper submitted to eNeuro and instructions for reviewing so you can complete your own review. During the webcast, McCarthy will review the paper, share and analyze comments from the actual reviewers, and explain how to provide useful and fair critiques.
Join this webinar to:
- Learn (or refresh) skills for reviewing scientific papers with critiques that are framed within the scope of the paper
- Practice reviewing papers that can be used to inform your own writing
- See a reviewer walk through a manuscript review to see how your review compared
This webcast is the first in SfN’s Tricks of the Trade webcast series. Make sure to watch the second webcast, Tricks of the Trade: Modelling Papers.
Read Editorial: eNeuro Offers a Unique Interactive Experience to Reviewer Training by eNeuro Editor-in-Chief Christophe Bernard to learn why this series was created.