Spinal Cord Regeneration in the Lamprey
In this talk, Hilary Katz and Eduardo Guadarrama discuss how the lamprey is used to study spinal cord regeneration and the neural basis of locomotion.

Eduardo Guadarrama
Eduardo Guadarrama is a research assistant in the lab of Jennifer R. Morgan at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole. His research focuses on spinal cord regeneration in the sea lamprey. He received his BA in neuroscience from Amherst College.

Hillary Katz, PhD
Hilary Katz is a postdoctoral researcher in the lab of Jennifer Morgan at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole. She earned her BA from Mount Holyoke College and her MS and PhD in integrative biology from the University of Chicago. Her current research focuses on spinal cord regeneration in the sea lamprey. She uses behavioral and molecular techniques to better understand how lampreys regenerate their spinal cord.
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