Changing Animal Rights Tactics and What It Means for Todays Researchers

From violence against researchers to boycotts and internet trolling, the tactics used by animal rights activists have changed over the years. Understanding the history of these groups and the methods they've used can help you better prepare yourself against current potential threats and impact on your research.
Tune into this webinar, featuring three experts with unique perspectives, to learn about the progression of animal models, including discussions of improved treatment; successes of regulations protecting animal researchers; and the current status of animal rights.
You will leave the webinar understanding:
- The history of animal activism and its relevance to your current research
- How to protect yourself in the event of actions taken against you
- Ways institutions can help you proactively defend yourself against animal activists and ensure compliance with regulations
Make sure to read A Guide to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee by Sari Izenwasser to help you determine the best methods for ensuring animal health and welfare while accomplishing the goals of a study.