This playlist walks through the entire process of deciding when to write, how to write, and where to publish your manuscript. Verity Brown, editor-in-chief of Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, discusses many helpful tips and tricks that these videos can help any neuroscientist learn new things about getting published.

Verity Brown, PhD
Verity Brown is a professor in the head of the school of psychology and neuroscience at the University of St. Andrews. She earned her BSc in psychology at University College London; did post-graduate study at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; completed her PhD at Queens’ College, Cambridge University; and received her MBA at Open University. Verity’s research is concerned with response control. She is interested in exploring the neural basis of the control of movement (eye and skeletal-motor) and investigating more psychological (or ”executive”) functions, such as attention, expectation, and planning, which influence and modify processes of response selection. She applies a range of neuroscientific techniques, including psychopharmacology, neurophysiology, and sophisticated analysis of both operant and unconditioned behavior in humans and experimental animals. She is particularly interested in the area of the brain called the basal ganglia. Verity previously served as a member of SfN’s Professional Development Committee.
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