You have the power to change a major issue affecting the neuroscience community: a lack of women in the upper ranks of academia. Here’s how:
Even if you aren’t confident you will be heard, or you are unsure about taking on additional responsibility, just do it. Take a seat at the table. Only by having more women in positions of influence will more equitable opportunities be created for everyone. With your help and the collective support of the field, we can change the dynamic for women in neuroscience.
In the spring of 2014, while serving as the SfN president, I issued this call to action to fix the detrimental disconnect between the number of women in the upper ranks of academia (less than men), and the number of women in graduate and medical schools (more than men).
Read the full call to action in Neuroscience Quarterly to see what you can do to ensure a greater number of women hold leadership positions in the field.
Adapted from Carol Mason’s Message from the President, “Women in Neuroscience: A Call to Action,” published in Neuroscience Quarterly.