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Individual Development Plans (IDPs) help mentors and mentees create customized goals and draw a training map that allows them to measure success. Listen to how an NIH representative, a program director, and a graduate student use IDPs to create opportunities for career success.

Nancy Desmond, PhD
Nancy L. Desmond is an associate director in the division of neuroscience and basic behavioral science (DNBBS) at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Before joining NIH in 2003, she was an associate professor of neurosurgery and a member of the neuroscience graduate program at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. She was the principal investigator on grants from NIMH/NIH and NSF that focused on understanding synaptic modification in the hippocampus. She obtained her PhD in physiological psychology from the University of California, Riverside, and did postdoctoral training in neuroscience at the University of Virginia. At NIMH, Nancy directs the DNBBS Office of Research Training and Career Development, co-coordinates research training for NIMH, and is chief of the neuroendocrinology and neuroimmunology program. She has contributed to multiple NIH-wide efforts on research training and career development, including co-chairing the NIH Training Advisory Committee and participating in NIH Roadmap and Blueprint for Neuroscience Research training initiatives. Nancy also served as the acting NIH research training officer, leading the re-issuance of the parent NIH training and career development funding announcements and contributing to the implementation of recommendations from the Biomedical Research Workforce Working Group to the NIH Advisory Committee to the Director. Current NIH-level activities include co-chairing the policy subcommittee of the NIH Training Advisory Committee; co-coordinating the working group for the NIH Common Fund Program, Strengthening the Biomedical Research Workforce; and participating in the Trans-NIH Microbiome Working Group.

Ian Paul, PhD
Ian Paul is a professor of psychiatry and human behavior at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, director (2006-2014) of the graduate program in neuroscience, and the director for animal behavioral core in the Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience. His research is currently focused on the neurobehavioral effects and mechanisms of antidepressant and other psychiatric pharmacotherapies and the effects of these drugs on neuronal and behavioral development. Ian also has a special interest in contributing to the development of training programs at the national level.

Jennifer Stripay, PhD
Jennifer is a fourth year student in the neuroscience graduate program at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. Under the mentorship of Mark Noble, Jennifer's research is focused on identifying mechanisms of chemoresistance in glioblastoma multiforme and developing novel therapeutic approaches for this and other malignant tumors. She currently serves on SfN’s Trainee Advisory Committee and plays a significant role in her graduate program's neuroscience outreach efforts. Jennifer is committed to the development of innovative training opportunities for students in biomedical research and welcomes any and all feedback from SfN trainees. Jennifer Stripay is also a member of SfN’s Online Programs Steering Committee.
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